Disclosure statements for government legislation

Agencies need to prepare and publish a disclosure statement to accompany the introduction of most government Bills and Amendment Papers to Parliament.

What is a disclosure statement?

Disclosure statements are departmental documents that provide information about the development and content of legislation proposed by the government.

The purpose of a disclosure statement is to:

  • better inform parliamentary and public scrutiny of government-initiated legislation
  • promote good practices for the development of that legislation.

The disclosure statement complements the general policy statement provided by the Minister in the explanatory note that accompanies a Bill or Amendment Paper (AP). It’s expected to reflect the knowledge, understanding and work done by the agency responsible for preparing the legislation. It does this by describing:

  • the policy objectives of the Bill or AP
  • some of the key processes that departments are expected to have followed during the development and testing of the content of the Bill or AP
  • certain significant powers or unusual features in the Bill or AP that may be of particular Parliamentary or public interest, and that may warrant further explanation.

Cabinet’s requirements for disclosure statements are set out in full in a Cabinet circular.

Cabinet circular: Disclosure requirements for government legislationopen_in_new

Publishing a disclosure statement

Disclosure statements are published online by the Parliamentary Counsel Office at the same time as the Bill or AP is published on the New Zealand Legislation website.

NZ legislation disclosuresopen_in_new

You’ll find a step-by-step guide to publishing disclosure statements on the Parliamentary Counsel Office website.

Any other enquiries about the formatting, processing and publication of disclosure statements should be directed to the Publications Unit at the Parliamentary Counsel Office (PCO).

Publishing disclosure statementsopen_in_new

Guidance and templates

You’ll find guidance and templates for disclosure statements below. Some of these documents were created by the Treasury.

  • The guidance documents provide advice on when disclosure is required, and how to prepare and publish a disclosure statement.  
  • All agencies preparing a disclosure statement must use one of the templates provided below.

If you have general enquiries about the disclosure requirements that aren't covered in the guidance and templates, contact us at hello@regulation.govt.nz.


Quick Guide to Disclosure Statements (192 KB, Pdf)

Disclosure Statements for Government Legislation: Technical Guide for Departments (500 KB, Pdf)


Disclosure Statement Template for a Government Bill (61 KB, Docx)

Full Disclosure Statement Template for Amendments to a Bill (62 KB, Docx)

Short-Form Disclosure Statement Template for Amendments to a Bill (51 KB, Docx)