Regulatory System Capability

We help regulatory leaders and practitioners across New Zealand build their capability.

Building capability across government 

One of the main objectives for the Ministry for Regulation (the Ministry) is to build and support good regulatory practice across the public sector. We know that regulatory leaders and practitioners all need to:  

  • understand and be able to implement best practice principles for regulation 
  • know the steps to take to get things done  
  • have the know-how to get good results, even when things go in unexpected directions.   

The Regulatory System Capability (RSC) team here at the Ministry aims to provide regulators with the resources and support they need to achieve these things. We want to invest in, and grow, the capability of the people who design, operate and govern our regulatory systems. 

The RSC team is focused on: 

  • supporting regulators to adopt good practice principles for regulation 
  • ensuring people have the guidance and tools they need to build their regulatory capability  
  • connecting regulators with other practitioners, leaders and networks 
  • enabling regulators to build innovative, agile regulatory solutions together. 

Regulatory Practice Essentials 

As part of our work to create a more consistent regulatory practice across New Zealand, the Ministry has developed a range of online learning modules, in collaboration with over 60 subject matter experts in regulatory agencies across the public sector. They’re intended to help regulators better understand the foundations of good regulatory practice. They share practical examples of the real-life challenges regulators often face, and give regulators a common language and standards to work from. You can access them at any time through our online learning and collaboration space, RegRoom.  

Our Quick Guides work as a companion piece to the online learning modules. They're a good starting point for anyone not in a position to complete the learning modules online, and a great resource to share with your team or those new to regulation. 

Access the online learning modules through RegRoom

Get started with our Quick Guides

Communities of Practice 

We host a number of Communities of Practice where you can connect with others working in regulation in New Zealand to share information and ideas. Being part of these communities can be a great way to grow your professional networks, knowledge, and skills.  

Join our Communities of Practice 

Connect with the RSC team 

If you’re a senior leader who has good regulatory practice resources to share, or you want to take a proactive approach to uplifting the regulatory capability or leadership of your group, contact us for a discussion about what resources and support we can connect you to. You can get in touch with us at