Join our Communities of Practice

We host a range of Communities of Practice for people working in regulation in New Zealand.

Our Communities of Practice

The Ministry for Regulation (the Ministry) hosts a range of Communities of Practice for those working in regulation in New Zealand. Belonging to a community like this can help you:   

  • solve problems and meet challenges collaboratively 
  • share your knowledge and experience with others who may be looking for support or guidance 
  • create new best practice models for working in regulation 
  • build relationships with others doing similar work  
  • tap into resources and support you may not know about otherwise  
  • know who to reach out to for ideas, suggestions, peer review, or feedback. 

Our aim is for the Communities to lead their own work under the guidance of an independent Chair. The Chair will: 

  • ensure their Community has a long-term agenda of topics to work on 
  • organise any in-person meetings needed, and ensure meetings are well run 
  • support members to stay connected. 

Members can also connect with each other through community chat, and individual or small group meet-ups. There’s also the option to set up working spaces to collaborate and share resources. We encourage everyone in the community to get to know each other, and to give and receive support as they can. 

In early 2025 an expanded programme of Communities of Practice will be launched. Anyone working in the regulatory sector is welcome to join one, or more, of the communities.  

The communities will aim to address both strategic and operational topics, and may include topics like: 

  • stewardship 
  • regulatory technology 
  • operational policy practices, and  
  • capability frameworks. 

If you'd like to find out more about our Communities of Practice, get in touch with us at

We’ll be moving the Communities of Practice into RegRoom, our new online learning and collaboration space, in early 2025. If you’re an existing member of any of the communities, we’ll keep you updated on hosting changes as they happen.