This page lists resources that have been chosen for their relevance, importance, and value to the regulatory sector. The list of resources is frequently reviewed, updated and added to.

Regulatory practice

Resource Author and date Summary
Government Expectations for Good Regulatory Practice(PDF, 268 KB)  Treasury, April 2017 This document divides the government’s high-level expectations of regulatory agencies into two main topics: system design and ongoing system stewardship.
What Does Good Regulatory Decision-making look like? — Policy Quarterly Keith Manch, May 2017 This article looks at some of the mechanics and principles behind decisions about design, review, implementation and operation of regulatory systems.
Are Regulated Parties Customers? — Policy Quarterly Keith Manch and Ben Wauchop, November 2017 This article explores the choices that regulators can make in how they describe regulated parties and how they operate compliance alongside service delivery systems.
Achieving Compliance: A guide for Compliance Agencies in New Zealand — Analysis and Policy Observatory Compliance Common Capability Programme, 2011 This document was developed collectively by regulatory agencies to provide a shared idea of ‘what good looks like’ for the design and operation of compliance systems.
A Rail Tale — Policy Quarterly Chris Ballantyne, November 2017 This article examines the background to change in rail safety regulation before looking at lessons learned from going through the operating model change needed to move from a prescriptive to a goal-based approach.

Regulatory design

Resource Author and date Summary
Regulatory Institutions and Practices(PDF, 4.1 MB) Productivity Commission, June 2014 This frequently referenced report is a detailed account of New Zealand’s overall regulatory infrastructure and a critique of how regulation can be optimised to provide wellbeing outcomes for New Zealanders.
Regulatory Institutions and Practices – 'cut to the chase'(PDF, 81 KB) Productivity Commission, June 2014 A short summary of the full Regulatory Institutions and Practices report.
Legislation Guidelines(PDF, 1.4 MB) Legislative Design and Advisory Committee, 2021 These Cabinet-endorsed guidelines are “the government’s key point of reference” on legislative design and quality.
Responsive regulation in practice: A review of the international academic literature — Analysis and Policy Observatory Jeroen van der Heijden, November 2020 Professor van der Heijden uses a review of research and literature to discuss the key concepts behind the idea of responsive regulation. He explores how – and how successfully – it has been applied in practice.
Managing the Opportunities and Risks Associated with Disruptive Technologies - space law in New Zealand — Policy Quarterly Kirsty Hutchison, Katherine MacNeill, Peter Mumford and Val Sim, November 2017 A case study that uses MBIE’s experience of beginning to regulate space activities to look at the interaction of risk management with innovation in rapidly evolving technology markets.
New Zealand’s Port and Harbour Marine Safety Code: a case study in co-regulation — Policy Quarterly  Keith Manch, November 2017 This article examines the history, development and design features of a co-regulation mechanism (a safety code) that has a central role in the maritime safety system.

Regulatory stewardship

Resource Author and date Summary
Starting out with regulatory stewardship: A resource(PDF, 1 MB) Treasury, December 2022 A document endorsed by the Regulatory Chief Executives group that complements existing resources and provide support that’s particularly useful for agencies that are early on in their stewardship practice.   
Regulatory Stewardship: Voice of the Regulator — Policy Quarterly Stephanie Winson, November 2017 This article focuses on how the regulator can be brought into the regulatory stewardship continuous improvement lifecycle.     
What regulatory system governance is and why it’s important: principles and guidance(PDF, 1.8 MB) MBIE, August 2021 A 'what good looks like' description of the functions of regulatory system governance and the kinds of tools and roles associated to these functions.
Governance principles and guidance in a nutshell(PDF, 849 KB) MBIE, August 2021 A short summary of the What regulatory system governance is and why it’s important: principles and guidance document.
Regulatory Failure – A review of the international academic literature — Analysis and Policy Observatory Jeroen van der Heijden, November 2022 Professor van der Heijden uses a review of literature (and of failures) to explore how and why 'regulatory failure' means different things to different people – and the challenge that the phrase presents to regulators.


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