The ECE regulatory sector review will assess whether the current set of regulations are achieving the right outcomes for early childhood education.

The early childhood education sector is our first regulatory review because quality early childhood education can be transformational for children, their parents, and society. 

Reviewing this sector is a priority in the Coalition Government’s Action Plan.

Regulation Minister, David Seymour announced this review on 5 June 2024.

Link to announcement

Scope of the review

The scope of the review will be broad, and will examine the regulatory systems for education, health, safety, child protection, food safety, buildings, and workplaces as they apply to the early childhood sector. We won’t be looking at funding settings for the ECE sector.

The terms of reference outline the objectives, scope, roles and methodology of the review, including the milestones.

ECE Review Terms of Reference (ToR)(PDF, 170 KB)

We are working closely with the Ministry of Education and the Education Review Office.

Engagement and consultation

We’ll use a range of engagement methods to gather information for the review, focusing on where rules and regulations result in bad outcomes.

We’ll look to engage with those impacted by, and subject to, the early childhood education regulatory system, including regulated parties, such as ECE business owners, and those who regulate the sector such as the Ministry of Education, as well as interested groups, such as unions, child advocacy organisations, research bodies, the early childhood education workforce, and the parents and caregivers who use the services of ECE providers. 

We will be setting up a variety of face to face and virtual hui with a range of groups.

Have your say

Head to our engagement hub to have your say on the Early Childhood Education Review. 

The hub is our platform for feedback. Here we'll publish our reports and findings on final recommendations, and any other relevant review related material.   

Engagement hub

Timeframe and outputs

One of the products from the review will be a report to both the Minister for Regulation and the Associate Minister of Education responsible for early childhood education, followed by a Cabinet paper seeking decisions on its recommendations and next steps. These are expected to be finished by the end of 2024.

This review is important because it will help to make sure that the rules work for everyone and make economic sense, saving time and improving outcomes for our children.

More Information

  • Why is early childhood education going to be the subject of the first regulatory review?

    The early childhood education sector will be the first regulatory review because quality early childhood education can be transformational for children, their parents, and society. Reviewing this sector is a priority in the Coalition Government’s Action Plan. This review will assess whether the current set of regulations are achieving the right outcomes for early childhood education.

  • How long will the ECE regulatory sector review take?

    We will start the review immediately, working closely with the Ministry of Education and the Education Review Office, who are the main regulators in this sector. One of the products from the review will be a report to both the Minister for Regulation and the Associate Minister of Education responsible for early childhood education, followed by a Cabinet paper seeking decisions on its recommendations and next steps. These are expected to be finished by the end of the year.

  • Does this regulatory sector review have a terms of reference and if so, how will they shape the review?

    A terms of reference has been created and provides a clear and structured approach to the review. The terms of reference outline the objectives, scope, roles and methodology of the review, including the milestones. You can find a copy of the terms here(PDF, 170 KB).

    We consulted sector representatives and government agencies as the terms of reference were developed.

  • How will the ECE regulatory sector review be conducted?

    We will work with a range of other agencies during the review, especially the Ministry of Education and the Education Review Office, and sector groups and representatives, including unions, interest groups, research organisations and a range of different providers.

    An inter-agency forum comprising a wider set of government agencies with regulatory functions in the ECE sector, such as WorkSafe NZ, New Zealand Police and Oranga Tamariki, will support the review, test recommendations, and consider implementation in parallel to the review.

    It means that while the review is underway, we may identify quick wins that sit with other responsible agencies that could be progressed immediately rather than waiting for the formal review to be completed.

    The review team is based in the Ministry for Regulation, and will also include staff from the Ministry of Education and the Education Review Office. 

    The regulatory sector review will be a thorough check-up of how the Government regulates early childhood education. The Ministry for Regulation will look closely at why the Government is involved, how well the current rules are working, and what effects they have, including how they make things cost more or less. The review will focus on the biggest issues, especially those that affect a lot of people or cost a lot, to find ways to make things better.

    Using existing research, both domestic and international, the review aims to build on previous work. This includes how different groups work together in this area. This review is important because it helps make sure that the rules are good for everyone and make economic sense, saving time and improving outcomes for our children.

  • How will the Ministry for Regulation ensure voices of all impacted people and organisations are heard in the ECE regulatory sector review?

    The ECE regulatory sector review will engage with those impacted by the early childhood education regulatory system, including regulated parties, such as ECE business owners, and those who regulate the sector such as the Ministry of Education, as well as interested groups, such as unions, child advocacy organisations, research bodies,  the early childhood education workforce, and the parents and caregivers who use the services of ECE providers.

    The review will use a variety of engagement methods including face-to-face, online engagement, visits to early childhood education services and inviting written submissions.

  • How will this regulatory review into ECE make a difference to parents and caregivers?

    The ECE regulatory sector review is designed to make a tangible difference for parents by ensuring that the regulatory framework enables ECE to be supportive, nurturing, and a beneficial experience for both children and their parents.     

  • How will the Ministry select which other sectors to review?

    We are starting to assess and prioritise future sector reviews. There is significant interest from a range of sectors and the Ministry welcomes input and feedback about where our regulatory systems are causing the greatest unnecessary costs. The Ministry will focus on regulatory issues of national significance, that are cross-cutting, and will have an impact at the system level.

  • How can people engage with regulatory reviews?

    Each regulatory review will be developed with an appropriate engagement plan, that will consider the relevant audiences and stakeholders. Individuals and organisations affected by specific rules and regulations will have the opportunity to engage in the process.