Agricultural and horticultural products regulatory review

This review is assessing whether the current approval path maintains an appropriate balance between access to these products and managing risk.

Black and white cows in an enclosed yard with trees in the background.

Agriculture and horticulture make up the largest sector of New Zealand’s tradeable economy.   Given the size of the sector, even small improvements in productivity or the value of exports, or reductions in input costs, could have an impact on the economy at a national level.  

The agricultural and horticultural products regulatory review was triggered by concern from farmers, growers, and businesses that the regulatory burden on these products was impacting New Zealand’s international competitiveness.  

The review ran from August to December 2024 and worked to identify where farmers and growers could have better access to new products, while still effectively managing health, environment, and other risks.

What are agricultural and horticultural products?

Farmers and growers use a range of different agricultural and horticultural products in their businesses, including:

  • feeds
  • fertilisers
  • veterinary medicines
  • pesticides, and
  • environmental inhibitors.

These products support horticultural and farming productivity, boost our agricultural and horticultural exports, and help protect against pests.

Timely access to newer and improved products is important to maintain our competitiveness, and to stay ahead of any developing resistance.

New agricultural and horticultural products can pose both opportunities and a range of risks, including some that are unique to our environment and primary production systems.

To manage these risks, agricultural products are approved under the Agricultural Compounds and Veterinary Medicines Act 1997. If the products are hazardous substances or new organisms, they also require approval under the Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act 1996.

The Ministry for Regulation led the review, with the Ministry for Primary Industries, New Zealand Food Safety, the Ministry for the Environment, and the Environmental Protection Authority supporting and working closely with the review team. 

Scope of the review

The Terms of Reference outline the scope and approach to the review: 

Agriculture and horticulture products regulatory review: Terms of Reference (250 KB, Pdf)

The Ministry sought to assess whether the current approval path is maintaining an appropriate balance between access to these products and managing risk.

What was out of scope? 

Some agricultural products, for example some vaccines, involve genetic modification. As such, they may be regulated under both the Agricultural Compounds and Veterinary Medicines Act 1997 (as a veterinary medicine) and under the Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act 1996 (as a new organism). The products were in scope of the review, but the regulation of gene technology was out of scope. 

Economic issues paper

As part of our work to understand why and how New Zealand currently regulates agriculture and horticulture products, we produced an economic analysis issues paper that set out how the Ministry would approach economic analysis for the review.

Agricultural and horticultural products regulatory review: economic analysis issues paper (242 KB, Pdf)

Engagement and consultation

We used a range of engagement methods to gather information, including face to face and online meetings, to give those who wished to contribute to the Review ample opportunities to do so. The Ministry received more than 80 written submissions and met with over 50 representative groups and companies including but not limited to primary producers, major exporters, product producers, environmental interests, public health and research and development. ​

The Ministry worked closely with core agencies (Ministry for Primary Industries, the Ministry for the Environment, New Zealand Food Safety, and the Environmental Protection Authority) throughout the Review. It was supported by a Sector Reference Group, which had membership from across product user groups, and a Senior Officials Advisory Group.​

Review recommendations

The following documents include the full review recommendations report and other papers of interest.

Agricultural and horticultural products regulatory review – full report (2.3 MB, Pdf)

Agricultural and horticultural products regulatory review – summary report (1.3 MB, Pdf)

Agricultural and horticultural products regulatory review – summary of engagement  (561 KB, Pdf)

Agricultural and horticultural products regulatory review – scenario analysis of economic impacts (Sense Partners) (831 KB, Pdf)

Proactive releases

Cabinet paper - ECO-25-SUB-0006 - Agricultural and Horticultural Products Regulatory Review Progressing Recommendations (932 KB, Pdf)