Report a red tape issue

As part of our work to improve regulatory quality, people and organisations can report regulatory issues, or opportunities for regulatory improvement, directly to us through our website tipline.

We want to hear from anyone who has identified a potential issue with regulation that's preventing them from getting things done, or unduly adding burden to them or their business. We expect to hear about regulatory issues from the relatively minor, through to what might be major regulatory problems. Anyone can give us feedback through our engagement hub – from the public through to industry bodies and advocacy groups.  

When you provide feedback to us about a red tape issue 

We'll review, consider and respond to all the issues we are told about, which will help us understand where there might be problems with regulation that may need to be fixed.  

We may not be able to resolve every issue that’s brought to our attention, but we are keen to understand more about people’s experiences with regulatory systems.   

We might get in contact with submitters to clarify and understand the issues raised, as well as seeking more information to identify whether it’s something the Ministry can look into further.  

We anticipate hearing about a range of regulatory issues. Some may be more complex than others so we can’t yet give a definite timeframe for responses. It may take us some time to review issues depending on their complexity, but we will try to respond to submitters to let them know the outcome.  

We may also refer certain issues to other government agencies to consider. 

What we do with your feedback 

The issues raised through the online portal will help us decide what regulation to formally review, and where to prioritise supporting good regulatory practice across all sectors.  

The feedback we receive may help us: 

  • identify regulatory system trends 
  • prioritise future regulatory reviews 
  • recommend updates to guidance, seek legislative change.  

Ultimately, better rules and regulations will enable New Zealanders to do more – leading to more productive use of people’s time.