Working across government to improve the regulation making process

16 December 2024

IMG 0590

We are busy making changes that aim to create a more efficient, transparent, and effective regulatory environment to support New Zealand's economic and social wellbeing.


If you don’t work in central government, this story may not mean much to you, but if you do, you might be interested to know that from 1 January 2025, a new Cabinet circular takes effect that streamlines the Regulatory Impact Analysis (RIA) requirements process and improves regulatory oversight.

Cabinet Office circular: CO (24) 7: Impact Analysis Requirementsopen_in_new

The new circular updates our requirements for consistency with our international obligations too, for example, the EU–NZ free trade agreement.

To ensure RISs are only produced where needed, the threshold for the ‘minor impacts exemption’ has been raised for proposals with limited impacts that are easy to assess.

The template and guidance for Regulatory Impact Statements (RISs) has been updated with new guidance for agencies to produce smaller, more proportionate RISs with an updated template including a new four-page 'at-a-glance' coversheet to improve readability.

We have also simplified and streamlined the quality assurance standard for discussion documents.

Agencies must now provide early-stage information to the Ministry for Regulation when starting new regulatory proposals. There is also a new requirement that Ministers must receive a draft RIS during the consultation phase of Cabinet papers.

To improve regulatory oversight, we will start publicly reporting on how well Ministerial portfolios are meeting their impact analysis requirements and will undertake periodic audits to ensure ongoing quality. We are working through options for reporting arrangements and will keep agencies updated on key developments.

If you have any questions about the changes, email the Regulatory Impact Analysis team at

 Or email the Early Engagement team at

Minister's press release: Cabinet circular paves way for better regulation to benefit everyoneopen_in_new

Key changes to Cabinet’s impact analysis requirements in Cabinet Office circular CO (24) 7 (150 KB, Pdf)