Ministry for Regulation news March 2025
18 March 2025

This edition is an update from our Regulatory System Capability (RSC) team – about their work to enhance the systems and processes that leaders use to strengthen their regulatory practice.
Building system capability in regulation
One of the RSC team’s focus is on lowering the cost of improving leadership and capability by offering shared resources, standardising practice, and creating spaces for learning and collaboration. Here’s what the team is doing.
- System-level interventions – issuing guidance, setting expectations, and providing tools to enhance practice.
- Foundational learning – providing freely available quick guides and online learning modules to help agencies build core regulatory capabilities.
- Targeted resources and collaboration – maintaining a curated online resource library and fostering Communities of Practice to support shared learning and problem-solving.
RegRoom – our online learning and collaboration space
RegRoom is an exciting new offering from the Ministry for Regulation, just for government regulators. It’s your go-to space to learn, share, and grow. This platform provides access to the Regulatory Practice Essentials online learning modules (see below).
Early access to RegRoom is available now. To login, you’ll need to use your work-issued email address, or an email address approved by contacting us directly.
Since launching our first six modules in December 2024, RegRoom has seen increasing uptake. While we had some early technical access issues, most have now been resolved. If you need help accessing RegRoom, contact us at
Exciting news! The official launch of RegRoom with access to all 10 modules is planned for mid-2025, so watch this space...
Six learning modules are now available on RegRoom:
- Regulation in New Zealand
- Regulatory compliance activities
- Regulatory systems and stewardship
- Professional conduct
- Engaging as a regulator
- Communicating with Regulated Parties
Coming soon – new modules (by July 2025):
- Regulatory Models, Approaches and Tools
- Evidence-Based Regulatory Practice
- Regulatory Investigations and Evidence
- The Judiciary and the Law
Additional quick guides will be completed by May, supporting the learning modules.
Regulatory Practice Essentials
Regulatory Practice Essentials (RPE) are learning materials to support regulators new to the profession, offering a foundation in regulatory practice that can be used across government.
The RPE learning materials are designed to build a capable and connected workforce and promote consistent and effective practice through common language and standards.
They're already making an impact, with one regulatory leader commenting:
“We are going to strongly encourage our new Board to view the six and to avail themselves of the material you have collected and prepared.”
NZIER has praised the quick guides, noting their value in supporting both regulators and regulated parties—and they plan to endorse them through their networks.
Join a Community of Practice
We host Communities of Practice (CoPs) for those working in regulation across New Zealand. These groups provide an opportunity to:
- solve challenges collaboratively with peers across agencies
- share knowledge and experience with others in the sector
- connect through RegRoom via discussion forums and working spaces.
Our CoPs will soon be moving into RegRoom, making it easier than ever to connect. Until then, you can find more details and sign up here: