Information releases

The Ministry for Regulation releases a wide range of information that may be of interest to the public.

This page provides links to the Cabinet papers and minutes we proactively release, responses to Official Information Act requests, weekly reports to the Minister for Regulation, and our Chief Executive’s expenses.

Some documents may contain redacted information made in accordance with the Official Information Act 1982 and the Privacy Act 2020.

These links will take you to our publication search, where you can search by keyword, and filter by type, topic and date.

Proactive releases

The Ministry proactively releases Cabinet papers, advice to ministers and other documents used to assist the Government. 

Weekly reports

The Ministry proactively releases weekly reports provided to the Minister for Regulation.

Regulatory Standards Bill

The Ministry has proactively released papers on the proposed Regulatory Standards Bill.

Chief Executive's expense reports

The Ministry discloses the Chief Executive’s expenses, gifts and hospitality as part of its commitment to transparency and accountability, and in line with Public Service Commission requirements.